Preparing Yourself for Teacher Exams
In addition to developing a deep understanding of the content included on teacher exams, you also need to prepare yourself emotionally and physically to test. Technology and social media have beckoned us into a world of living in the instant. In sharp contrast to tweets and snaps, teacher exams require that you sustain mental focus on one task while sitting in one chair staring at one…
Overcoming Low Pass Rates on Teacher Certification Exams
Consider some 2017 pass rates on required tests for teachers: 25% on the ILTS Test of Academic Proficiency, (, 43% for MTEL General Curriculum Math subtest, and 40% on the MTEL Foundations of Reading exam ( Content and basic skills tests are formidable for students attempting to enter teacher licensure preparation programs and for graduates of those 4-year licensure programs. With appalling failure rates, you may…
What Is the Illinois Licensure Testing System?

For thirty years, the state of Illinois has relied on the ILTS testing program to measure the proficiency of teacher candidates pursuing licensure. The infamous difficulty of this test has led to the creation of several online sources to help candidates prepare. Online test preps are considered the most effective means of preparation for anyone looking ahead to an ILTS test. The Test of Academic…
How to Prepare for MTEL Exams
The MTEL exam was designed to ensure that educators have the academic preparedness to succeed in a school community. You’ll need both academic proficiency and professional communication skills. Qualifying scores on the required tests indicate that you are knowledgeable in your respective areas of expertise and able to communicate clearly with students and their parents or guardians. Understandably, passing such all-encompassing tests is a challenge that…
Why Use Online Teaching Certification Preparation?

One of the minimum requirements for becoming a teacher is a bachelor's degree. Many teachers choose to pursue an even higher level of education, but a bachelor's is the bare minimum for teaching students from kindergarten to grade 12. If you're a full-time student, a bachelor's degree will take four years to get. If you're a part-time student, it could take six years to graduate. During…
Passing the Composition Exercise: Usage
PrepForward provides online preparation courses to candidates practicing compositions for state teacher tests, including the MTEL Communication and Literacy Skills exam in MA. In this series, I’ll share the most common errors I see and tips for making a solid score on each performance characteristic. Other articles in series: Passing the Composition Exercise: Mechanics “Careful and precise”—that’s the expectation for usage on the MTEL exams composition essay.…